On Saturday I was visiting Mom & Dad. I met Mom at her studio and was there for a couple of hours. I decided to head home in order to watch the Aggie game and Mom would follow when she was done. During my drive I started thinking about Jeff and realized that I hadn't been by his tree at the high school in a long time. So I decided to swing by, plus I wanted to see the new highway that is now the road the school is on. Goodbye Kirby Rd, hello HWY 190. I also wanted to see how drained the lake was around Miller Rd and 66. By the way, the highway is huge and I had a hard time comprehending how different it looks. Also, the lake around Miller looks low, but normal. The lake around 66 however is a green pasture on the north side and what looks like a small pond on the south side. You can see the entire old 66 road and can walk it completely. It's crazy!!
Well, upon my arrival at the school there were some kids and adults standing around the area of Jeff's tree. I walk up and the adults were curious as to who I was and seem hesitant that some stranger just walks up to them. Well, I proceed to inform while pointing to the tree that it was planted for Jeff Blackhurst who is my brother. Come to find out these kids and adults were cleaning up the area, planting new flowers, and put down new mulch for an Eagle Scout project. The young man is Zach, didn't catch his last name, and he is a senior at Rowlett in the band who thought the area needed a makeover. Mom and Dad knew that this project was in the works, but didn't know when it would happen. Fortunately the Spirit prompted me to stop by and made the project for Zach even more meaningful. I took a few pictures and wish I got a picture of Zach. His mom got one of the two of us. I will see if I can get a copy.